Tuesday, 29 September 2020

Perbedaan Laporan Auditor Independen Indonesia dan Amerika

Pandemi (semestinya) mengubah perilaku banyak orang. Yang tadinya suka ngopi di kafe, sekarang ngopinya lewat go/grabfood. Banyak juga yang bereksperimen bikin kopi sendiri pakai alat yang kemarin dibeli di shopee.

Perubahan perilaku itu juga berimbas pada pemilik blog ini. Saat keluar kota pun saya tak punya keinginan untuk mengeksplor tempat wisata di daerah tersebut meskipun daerahnya masih masuk zona hijau. Jangankan mendatangi kerumunan massa di tempat wisata atau wisata kuliner khas kota setempat, tidur di hotel saja was was.

Saya pun menyadari, bahwa nama blog ini adalah pnsbackpacker. Seharusnya tulisan di blog ini tidak melulu tentang jalan-jalan saja, tetapi juga tentang PNS.

Kebetulan saat ini saya sedang menempuh tugas belajar (sebagai ASN) di UGM. Jadi, izinkanlah saya menulis tentang sesuatu berkaitan dengan apa yang saya pelajari ya.

Here is the comparison between 2019 Independent Auditors’ Report of Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk (listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange as GIAA) and American Airlines Group Inc (listed in New York Stock Exchange as AAL).

I choose both GIAA and AAL since both companies have the similar business process and both companies are national pride airline in Indonesia and US.

sumber: skytraxratings.com
sumber: thepointguy.com

GIAA was audited by PWC Partner, meanwhile AAL was audited by KPMG Partner. GIAA Auditors' Report was taken from www.idx.co.id titled Signed FS GIA Consol 1219 and AAL Auditors' Report was taken from https://americanairlines.gcs-web.com/financial-results/financial-aal


Comparison of Independent Auditors’ Report



GIAA (Audited by: PWC partner)

AAL (Audited by: KPMG partner)



The report structure

a.   The title and the address of audit report

b.   Management responsibility

c.   Auditor’s responsibility

d.   Opinion

e.   Emphasis of the matter

f.    Place, Date, Sign of Partner, Name and Register Number

a.    The title and the address of audit report

b.    Opinion

c.    Change in Accounting Principle

d.    Basis for Opinion

e.    Critical Audit Matter

f.      Sign, Partner, Additional information (audit partner since yyyy), Place, Date

The report structure is definitely different. In GIAA audit report, auditor precede management and auditor responsibility over the opinion. Meanwhile in AAL audit report, auditor stated opinion first then change in accounting principle and then basis for opinion. Management and auditor’s responsibility stated in Basis for Opinion paragraph. In AAL audit report, auditor also emphasize Change in Accounting Principle since the Company has changed its method of accounting for leases


The title

Independent Auditors’ Report

Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


Not different in substance


The address of the audit report

to the Shareholders of PT Garuda Indonesia (Persero) Tbk

to the Stockholders and Board of Directors

American Airlines Group Inc

Not different in substance but AAI’s audit report is also destined to the BOD


Introduction Paragraph

Only state that the auditor has audited consolidated financial position (and other FS) as at 31 Dec 2019

the financial position of the Company

as of Dec 31, 2019 and 2018, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for each of the years in the three-year period ended December 31, 2019

In AAL Audit report, auditors clearly stated that they audit not only one year, but 2 year simultaneously. Maybe it is happened because the auditor audit AAL since 2014.


Scope Paragraph

Performed in Auditor’s Responsibility paragraph

Performed in Basis for Opinion

Not different in substance


Opinion Paragraph

Opinion paragraph consist of opinion of financial statement only

Opinion paragraph consist not only opinion of financial statement but also statement that auditor have audited the

Company’s internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2019, based on criteria established in Internal Control – Integrated

Framework (2013) issued by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission

AAL auditor added this statement in accordance with the standards of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (United States) (PCAOB)


Name of Audit Partner

Clear name partner, sign, and License Number of Public Accountant

Only Sign

Maybe I download the different version of AAL audit report. But GIAA audit report with clear name of partner seems more trustworthy


Additional Information


Statement that the partners have served as the Company’s auditor since 2014

AAL auditor want to emphasize that they continuously audit the company


Date and Place





Opinion Standard

Indonesian Financial Accounting Standard

U.S. generally accepted accounting principles

Not different in substance


Auditing Standard

Standards on Auditing established by the Indonesian Institute of Certified Public Accountants.

PCAOB in general but specifically stated based on U.S. federal securities laws and the applicable rules and regulations of the

Securities and Exchange Commission and the PCAOB

Not different in substance

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